Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021

Chain Products



 Approximate dimensions, Studlink chain Common link, Studless chain Common link, 3 Link adaptor Standard, 5 Link adaptor Standard, 3 Link weak link Adaptor, Bitter end weak link For chain locker, 5 Link adaptor With special endlink, Studless adaptor 5 link , Chain Tail Studless chain, Chain with swivel end, Continous length with swivel-forerunner, Chain – anchor connection With swivel-forerunner, Chain – anchor connection With ASW 35, Chain – anchor connection With ASW. Riser Chain, Tail Chain, pendant, buoy, riding chain, ground chain, various shackles and swivels, float through-bolt, eye pin, ground tackle, Bridle Chain, Riding Chain, Ground Chain, Studlink Chain, Marine Studless Chain. Standard Chain, Enlarged Chain, Oversized Chain, Lock Shackle, Open Shackle, Three Eyes Piece, Four Eyes Piece, Swievel Piece.

Stockless anchors, Hall, Spek, Spek M, High holding power anchors, AC-14, Pull TW, SHHP Pull, Pull N, Pool N, Pool TW, D’Hone, Offshore anchors, Danforth, LWT, Moorfast, Offdrill II, Superior Delta, Flipper Delta, Drag anchor Class A MX5, Plough anchors, Sandig III, Mushroom, Trust, Stock anchors, Admirality, Other anchors, Anchor pocket, Stevshark, Stevpris, Plough. Drag MX5, Class A, Fluke angle adjustment, Anchor Theory and Practice, D-tech swivel SW800 bearing swivel, OCIMF Chafe Chain, Decorations, Anchor fence, Stock anchor, Cannon anchor.

Shackles, Crown shackle, Safety Bow Shackle Type G-2130, Mooring shackle, Bolt type anchor shackle Bolt & nut, Bolt type anchor shackle Screw pin, D-type shackle, Joining shackle type kenter, Slim joining shackle Type kenter, RF-Connector Grade R4, Joining shackle Baldt / C-connector, Joining shackle Type-D, Joining shackle Type-D LTM, Anchor shackle Type-D, Anchor shackle Type-D LTM – bolt & nut, Special anchor shackle Type-D, Anchor kenter shackle Star, Anchor kenter shackle Trident / Raptor, End joining shackle Type-D – Grade R4, Pear shaped end shackle Grade 3, Pear shaped end shackle Grade R4, Forelock Shackle, H-Connector Hybrid 76/84 mm R4, H-Link, Connecting link For pennant lines, Installation Link LLLC Link, T-Mooring Link Galvanized, M-fairlead shackle Stainless steel

Swivel forerunner, Short swivel forerunner, Swievel shackle Type A, Swievel shackle Type B, Swievel shackle Type B, Swievel shackle Type K, Superbox swivel Grade R4, Swivel shackle For chaser, C-tech swivel, D-tech swivel SW800, D’Hone ball joint swivel, Moorlink, Nautilus swivel Interchangeable Bearings Slide, Roller & Ball dia 70–102 mm, Double bitt bollards ISO 13795, Bulwark chock ISO 13729, Bulwark chock DIN 81915, OCIMF Bulwark chock/fairlead SWL 250T, Deck chock ISO 13729, Deck chock DIN 81915, Roller fairlead DIN 81902, Panama Chock, Guide roller Type NS-2585, Chain stopper Type SMP, Chain Stopper Type JIS F-2031, Bow chain stopper OCIMF tongue type, Chain cable stopper Screw type MS-2, Disc type quick release towing hook, Quick release hook, Double quick release hook with base, Quick release mooring hook, Pelican hook dia. 76–120 mm, Quick release hook Tug boat type, Towing bracket OCIMF-type, OCIMF chafe chain A/B 76 mm, OCIMF-type grade R4/R3, Chafe chain 76 mm Grade 3, Special chafe chain 76 mm Grade R4, Chafe chain 54 mm Grade 3, Buoy support chain dia. 26 mm, Pick up chain dia. 26 mm, Triplate Bermuda, Quadplate Grade 3, End fastening for anchor-chain cable, DIN81860 Chain locker device.

Buoys, Subsea support Buoy, Modular Support buoy, Marking lights With GPS, Marking lights, Mooring buoy, Surface buoy, Mooring Lights, Navigation Buoy. Chasers, J-type chaser, J-lock chaser Single chain grabber, Permanent chaser, Grapnel 4 prong grapnel, Anchor line hook, Accessories, Tube thimble, Thimble Type K3, Thimble Type K3B, Ring Type S-643, Master link Type A342, CR-socket, Chain link hook, Anode For studlink anchor-chain – aluminium, Anode For studlink anchor-chain – zinc, Lead plug, Various, Chain wheel Cabelars, Bolster hook.
Anchor chain and accessories (Stud Link Anchor Chain, Studless Anchor Chain, all types of shackles and connectors). Mooring chain and accessories (Stud Link Mooring Chain, Studless Mooring Chain, Grade ORQ, R3, R3S, R4 and R5). Deck outfitting (Chain Stopper, Chock, Bollard and Fairlead). Marine anchors (Oridinary Anchor such as Hall, Spek and Stockless Anchor, High Holding Power Anchor such as AC-14, Danforth and Pool Achor). Offshore and agricultural anchors (Flipper Delta, Stevpris MK5, MK6 and Stevshark). Offshore mooring buoy (Steel Structured, Foam Filled and Navigation Buoys). Container lashing products (Container corner, Socket, Foundation, Twistlock, D ring, Lashing rod and Lashing chain). Fenders (Yokohama Type Pneumatic Fender, Solid Rubber Fender for Quay).

Forged Wire Rope Clips, Fist Grip Wire Rope Clips, S-421T Wedge Sockets, S-423T Super TERMINATOR, Button Spelter Sockets, Mooring Spelter Sockets, Open Spelter Sockets, Closed Spelter Sockets, National Steel Swaging Sleeves, Open Swage Sockets, Closed Swage Sockets, Shank Hooks For Swaging, Wire Rope Thimbles, Alloy Master Links, Alloy Master Links with Engineered Flat, Expanded Extended Link, Welded Master Links with Engineered Flat, Master Links Assembly, End Links and Weldless Rings, Pear Shaped Links, Forged Eye Bolts, Rivet Eye Bolts, Pad Eyes, Forged Eye Nuts, Lifting Eyes, Bundle Clip, Swivel Hoist Ring, Lifting Points, Eye & Hook Turnbuckles, Jaw Hook End Fittings, Chain Sling Components, Connecting Link, Dee Shackle, Omega Shackle, Reeving Link, Eye Cradle Grab Hook, Clevis Sling Hook, Foundry Hooks, Chain Fittings, Chain Choker Hook, Round Pin Shackles, Screw Pin Shackles, Bolt Type Shackles,  Easy Lock Shackles, Wide Body Shackles, Grommet Shackles, Hook Latch Kits, Choker Hooks, Forged Swivels, Jaw End Swivels, Regular Swivels, Jaw Hook Eye Tubular Swivel, Angular Contact Bearing Swivels.

Bruce FFTS PM, Bruce Omni Directional, Bruce Dennla, Bruce Mk4 Twin Shank, Bruce Single Shank, Bruce GP, Overmoor, Stevin Mk 3, Stevpris Mk 6, Stevpris Mk 5, Stevshark Mk 5, Stevmanta VLA, Flipper Delta, Super Delta, Sepla, AC 14, Byres, Hall, Lightweight (LWT), Danforth. Anchor Pendant Buoyancy (APB), Surface/Sub-Surface Modular Buoyancy, Ancillary Buoyancy, Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC), Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel (FPSO), Floating Storage and Offloading Vessel (FSO), Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM), Single Point Mooring (SPM), Multiple Buoy Mooring (MBM), Marine Breakaway Coupling (MBC), Catamaran Mooring Buoy, Peg Top Buoy, Spherical Ball Buoy, Cylindrical Buoy, Barrel Mooring Buoy, Cross Mooring Buoy,

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